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Audiobedekr byl pořízen za přispění prostředků státního rozpočtu České republiky z programu Ministerstva pro místní rozvoj ČR.


No. 780 - Cheb

Starodávné město na Ohři, ve 12.století falc císaře Barbarossy. Poté svobodné české město s vlastní armádou. Románský hrad, přestavěný goticky, zachovalé historické jádro. Městská památková rezervace.

Česká republika

Historická města

50.073611 12.379722

Obrázek č. 1, Turistické známky, No. 780 - Cheb

Prodejní místa
Infocentrum, Jateční 2, Cheb

Přidat příspěvek

*) jsou označeny povinné položky

Vratislav Blažek
Vratislav Blažek
TN 980
TN 980 zakoupena v IC na náměstí,mají zde mnoho razítek a ochotné prodávající, rovněž zde pořízeno foto s Maxiznámkou do soutěže o věcné ceny. Centrum nádherné,hrad prima.
Ivo Kušta
Ivo Kušta
Poloha na mapě !!
Proč je poloha dána na nádraží, když je na obrázku Špalíček ???????
Michaela Veselá
Michaela Veselá
V pokladně hradu i v chebskem IC nálepku maji, nálepku Chebsky hrad nemaji ani tam ani tam.
Alhirgt alright alright that's exactly what I needed!
In Australia, we hav
In Australia, we have the opposite prboelm. There is official policy to keep all kids in school for 13 years from age 5, and a goal that 40 percent go to University.Government and high levels of the bureaucracy are dominated by lawyers. Nearly all trades and professions have their credential boards dominated by academics.Result; many bored kids in school being offered courses in soft topics like psychology. To quote the vice principal of a local equivalent of your gymnasiums. "its much cheaper to run these courses than anything requiring labs and equipment. And the kids like them".They get to University and do Arts/Law. We have a huge and growing number of under-employed tertiary qualified people and a desperate shortage of welders, electricians and plumbers.There are private schools who search for bright kids. But their parents and teachers steer them towards the Law Economics direction. Many engineers and scientists remember times when they couldnt get jobs in their field and steer their kids away from things like geology and other technical careers.We dont have the idea of commercial apprenticeships like Germany and other countries. This means that the academics have control over credentials and training of the bulk of the population and a disconnect between demand and supply.Please dont let you country go the same way. Dont let academics dominate the credential process. Its like handing foreign policy over to arms manufacturers. http://elowkpwv.com [url=http://desgiclvex.com]desgiclvex[/url] [link=http://tobyjh.com]tobyjh[/link]
Hi Lubos,One thing y
Hi Lubos,One thing you highlighted --- lack of ecxetemint --- stuck out to me. This is a big issue, I think. Smart kids often know they're smart, but don't know where to apply their talents. In my experience, many think physics is more or less a closed book and aren't aware of the many fundamental and interesting open questions. How can they be expected to excel until they're actually interested? Educators need to emphasize how much we know, but also that there are many interesting open questions.KITP has been ramping up outreach to local high schools this year, putting postdocs in front of classes for an hour to talk about some interesting problem. My approach was to explain how great the standard model is as a model of particle interactions, but then also to emphasize open questions --- why this gauge group, why three generations, and why the mass hierarchies, etc. As a candidate answer to the generation issue, we talked about topology (a totally new concept to them), in particular intersecting one-cycles on a torus as a toy model for intersecting D-branes. It went over very well --- emphasizing a big open problem grabbed their attention, and they were interested to hear about a possible answer.I'm not sure how this would translate to a museum, but in a classroom setting emphasizing interesting open questions seems to work well.Thanks for the nice posts, as always.
about math and scien
about math and science edtouaicn approaches. Unfortunately, the mundane fact is that true mastery often takes a lot of practice, and unfortunately the drudgery of solving practice problems is discouraging for most people. I have to agree somewhat with the idea that best math and physics edtouaicn can be facilitated via the internet, games, and videos, with regular progress checks incorporated in the gaming approach. Basically, most teachers are useless in teaching math and science, so lets just admit this, spend the money on "teacherless" approaches by building the "one great lesson" and then using proctors to monitor the engagement. At some level math and science needs to be "self taught" so that the feeling of discovery is maintained, and "self paced" so that progress is not measured against some overly arbitrary baseline. As an example, I frequently learn more plowing through the multitude of self help videos on youtube, and my kids eat up the games and apps found on the web. At the end of the day, people aren't going to learn something well unless they want to and those who can't keep pace end up feeling discouraged and ashamed even when they shouldn't.Talented individuals would be easy to spot by tracking online progress, and devotion, and they should be encouraged, but there is a social aspect to being talented in math and science that I think lend to many stereotypes, I don't know how to address those explicitly.
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